Student Services
Australian Industrial Systems Institute offers a well established and developed environment in which to study. Students have access to the latest technology, facilities and resources to maximise their learning experience.
Services provided include:
• Self-study facilities after class
• Accommodation assistance
• Social programmes
• Further education and counselling
• Student welfare services
• Textbook sales
• Student Health Cover Insurance (OSHC)
• Airport Transfer
All student services can be accessed directly through the Reception area at Melbourne City Campus Level 1, 398 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne Vic 3000.
Email enquiries may be made to Phone enquiries may be made on (+61 3) 9670 0915.
Student Saftey
While Australia is considered to be a very safe country, obviously it is still wise to avoid dangerous situations. Personal safety and security is a matter of common sense and awareness. Trust your instincts. If in doubt, move away. Here are a few tips for your personal safety
Police, Ambulance and Fire Brigade
In an emergency you can contact the Police, Fire Brigade and Ambulance by dialing 000. The operator will ask for your name and address and other details of the emergency situation. This call is free of charge but should be used only in an emergency.
If you feel unsafe or threatened at any time, have anything stolen, or are assaulted, you can contact the Police for help and to report the incident.
If you require non-urgent advice or information or need to report a non-urgent matter, like lost property, you should attend or call the local Police Station. Contact details for your local Police Station can be found at the
Indian Hotline
1800 342 800
This helpline – staffed by trained volunteers fluent in English and Hindi – provides guidance on what to do and where to go in a crisis. It is an initiative of a police reference group, formed with members of the Indian community.
OSHC Worldcare 24-hour Emergency Helpline
1800 814 781
OSHC Worldcare has a 24-hour Emergency Helpline that provides medical, legal and interpreting services to students in need.
Victims of Crime Helpline
1800 819 817
Whatever the incident, being a victim of crime can be a frightening experience with many short and long term consequences. If you are a victim of a crime and would like to speak to someone, please call 1800 819 817 (free call).
International Student Legal Advice Clinic (ISLAC)
(03) 9391 2244
ISLAC is a free advice clinic to help you with any legal problems relating to employment, student rights, discrimination, victims of crime, police complaints and more.
Wednesdays 6.00pm-8.00pm. Western Suburbs Legal Service, 30 Hall Street, Newport. (Behind Newport train station; 10 minutes from Footscray station on the Werribee line.)
No appointment required. Phone (03) 9391 2244 for more information.
International Student Hotline
1300 363 079
Monday to Friday 8.00am to 6.00pm
The Australian Government is committed to providing the highest quality education system and making sure that international students receive the support they need while they are studying.
If you are having problems with your study, safety, accommodation or at work, you can call the International Student Hotline, which is operated by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR):
• For advice on who you should contact, or
• To report your concerns.
There is no need to give your name.
Useful Tips When You Are Out And About:
- Walk in well lit areas
- Walk mid-point between travelled routes between buildings
- Try to walk with a group of people – organise a group of other students if you are going in the same direction.
- Use caution when using elevators, isolated stairways, or toilet areas.
- Plan the safest route to your destination and use it. Stick to the main roads if possible. Never hitchhike!
- Remain alert. Use your peripheral vision. Wearing headphone may decrease your awareness.
- If approached, maintain a comfortable distance while you answer a question or give directions. Never turn your back on someone who has approached you.
- Try and arrange a lift home from a friend or a taxi if you are going out late. Get dropped off as close to your door as possible.
- Avoid using ATMs in dark or lonely places.
If you suspect you are being followed:
- Be suspicious – keep looking behind you, so the person knows you cannot be surprised.
- Cross the street or change direction.
- Go to a well-lit area, enter a residence or building where there are people and phones.
- Do not wear a personal audio player or play music so loudly that you are unaware of your surroundings.
- If you are on campus, contact any staff member.
Personal Safety on Public Transport
- Don’t stand alone while waiting for a tram, bus or train, especially at night. Stand with other people.
- If you’re on a tram, bus or train and it’s nearly empty, sit near the driver or as close as possible to the guard’s compartment.
- At the railway station, stand back from the edge of the platform. Avoid sitting near the exit door of the train as an attacker may be able to grab your property and run before you can react.
- When disembarking from public transport, walk with other commuter.
- If travelling by taxi, remembers the driver’s identification number displayed on the dashboard. There should also be a photo of the driver, if it is not there don’t get in. Once you’ve reached your destination, ask the driver to wait until you have safely entered.
- If you are catching a tram or bus, check the timetable before so that you are not waiting at the bus stop for long periods. Select a well-lit bus stop at night and make sure that you can see the area around you.
Personal Safety When Driving
- Plan the safest route to your destination and avoid isolated roads especially at night.
- Be alert when walking to your car and always have your keys ready.
- Before you open the door, check the rear seat and luggage compartment.
- Lock your car once you’re inside it. Keep your windows up when travelling alone.
- If your car breaks down, move the vehicle off the roadway if possible, raise the bonnet, activate the hazard lights and then lock yourself inside the vehicle call the RACV- 13 72 28 for Roadside assistance. Wait for an emergency vehicle to offer assistance.
- If you think you are being followed, drive to the nearest Police, Fire or Service Station for assistance. Don’t drive home.
- Make sure you always have enough fuel in your vehicle.
- Never pick up hitchhikers.
Handbag Snatching
- Keep your handbag in front of your body, avoid dangling it by your side from your hand or shoulder.
- Be aware of people coming from behind – even on motorbikes and cars.
- Never leave your bag on a shopping trolley – or at your feet or on the hook of the door in a public toilet – always keep it with you.
- When you put money in your handbag, don’t let people see where you put it – especially when you are using an ATM.
- Be constantly aware of what valuables are in your bag – eg. driver’s licence and credit cards.
- If your bag is taken, immediately cancel any credit cards, and change your house locks as soon as possible. Report to the police.
- When packing groceries into your car, never leave your handbag on the boot or roof of your car. Thieves are watching and can easily grab your property.
- Always leave your bag locked inside your car when you are packing groceries away.
- REMEMBER: If confronted by somebody trying to take your bag, give it to them. No amount of money or inconvenience is worth serious injury.
Complaints and Appeals Organisational Approach (Including International Students)
Academic Appeals Policy
AISI seeks to prevent appeals by ensuring that students are satisfied with their course and its outcomes. All AISI staff are expected to be fair, courteous and helpful in all dealings with students.
Any complaint about any Assessment will be treated seriously, investigated thoroughly, and dealt with according to the merit of the complaint. Appeals must be made within 21 days of receipt of assessment.
All records of any appeals will be kept on file.
Internal and External Grievance Policy
In the event that a student has a grievance concerning any matter in relation to AISI Advanced AISI Training, there is a process in place to ensure that the grievance can be resolved amicably.
Students have access to a grievance procedure if they feel they have been unjustly treated or have a serious complaint.
A student may be assisted or accompanied by a friend or family support person regardless of the nature of the grievance or complaint. This should not, however, be a legal practitioner. AISI Advanced AISI Training will maintain a student’s enrolment while a complaint and appeal process is on-going, however, this does not exclude AISI from reserving the right to suspend a student from attending class or visiting the AISI campus if that is considered necessary during this period. If the grievance is related to a suspension based on misbehaviour, the student will remain suspended until the end of the appeal.
External Appeal
There is an external grievance process available to students if they have exhausted the above procedures and still feel unsatisfied. This service is offered by Australian Council for Private Education and Training. If the internal grievance process is unable to resolve the dispute, students will be referred to the Overseas Student Ombudsman by the Chief Executive Officer.
Complaints and Appeals Procedures/Process/Implementation (Including International Students)
Students have access to a complaints procedure if they feel they have been unjustly treated or have a serious complaint. The following refers to possible disputes.
Academic Matters
Students dissatisfied with an activity or decision of a member of the academic staff can voice their concerns to the staff member concerned and, if appropriate, appeal to the Chief Executive Officer. If the matter is one of general concern students should talk first with the teacher as a group of students. Matters which may cause concern could include the quality of lecturing, apparent prejudice or partiality in assessment, heavy work loads and so on.
Sexual Harassment and/or Racism
Sexual harassment is any form of sexual behaviour that is unwelcome, uninvited and unwarranted. This may include touching, sexual suggestions, offensive remarks or messages or displays of sexually offensive material.
Racism may involve prejudice, the holding of negative attitudes about others due to their race, descent or national origin. It may involve discrimination, the negative differential treatment of individuals or groups on the same bases.
Students who feel that they are being sexually harassed or are the victims of any sort of racism should initially contact the Administration Manager. (S)he will then decide how to deal with the matter. It would be hopefully done in an informal manner involving discussion with the person accused This may involve informing the Chief Executive Officer and/or convening face to face meetings with claimant and respondent to assist conciliation. If this route is inappropriate (for example, the counsellor is involved in the harassment in some way), students should contact the Chief Executive Officer.
If the complaint is sufficiently serious, the Chief Executive Officer may establish a formal inquiry and/or refer to external authorities. Following the report produced by such an inquiry, the Chief Executive Officer may decide that the code of conduct has been grossly breached and recommend that a student’s enrolment be terminated.
Students who feel they have any other type of complaint should first contact the assigned counsellor. If necessary it will be referred to the Chief Executive Officer in order to resolve the situation.
Appeal Policy and External Complaints Procedure
There is an external complaint process available to students if they have exhausted the stated procedures and still feel unsatisfied. If the internal complaints process is unable to resolve the dispute, students will be referred to an external source by the Chief Executive Officer. The student should lodge a written appeal to the Chief Executive Officer within 20 working days of receiving notice of the outcome of the internal complaints process. All costs for this process will be covered by the Institute.
Students may also seek legal redress through the usual court processes if they feel unsatisfied. This agreement, and the availability of complaints and appeals processes, does not remove the right of the student to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws.
1. Complaint Procedure
(a) Complainants are encouraged to speak directly with the person concerned to resolve the problem informally.
(b) If the student is not satisfied with the outcome following informal discussion, they may request the complaint/Grievance to be referred to the Chief Executive Officer for resolution.
(c) All records of any complaint will be kept on file.
(d) A complaint can be about a situation, a process, a person or people, a facility or a service provided by AISI. A complaint is not about an academic result.
(e) A complaint can be lodged in writing using the Complaint Form available from Reception, or alternatively in writing identifying the complainant, nature of complaint and must be signed by the complainant. Students must lodge their complaint with the Administration Manager. A written record of the grievance will be kept on file.
(f) If the student chooses to access AISI’s complaints and appeals processes, their enrolment will be maintained while the process is ongoing.
(g) AISI will investigate and respond to all complaints lodged by a student. The process will commence within 10 working days of the formal lodgement of the complaint and supporting information and all reasonable measures will be taken to finalise the process in the shortest possible time.
(k) AISI treats all complaints in confidence and must seek the permission of the student before discussing the grievance with relevant staff. The student will be given a written statement of the outcome, including details of the reasons for the outcome.
(l) If the student is not satisfied with the outcome following the above process, they may request to appeal the decision through the Administration Manager. The Administration Office will then organise the appeal in accordance with item 3 below.
2. Academic Appeal Procedure
(a) Notify teacher within 7 days of receiving any result.
(b) Teacher and/or Chief Executive Officer provide a written statement of outcome within a further 10 days.
(c) Seek reassessment or arbitration by a third party or panel acceptable to all parties to the appeal.
(d) If the appeal is still unresolved, the Appeals process as specified for Item 3 below applies.
3. Appeals
(a) Requests for appeal must be made in writing to the Administration Manager and within 20 working days of written notification of the decision they are appealing.
(b) Once the Administration Manager receives a request for an internal appeal in writing, they will convene a panel to hear the appeal. The panel will consist of 2 management staff, one of which will be either the Chief Executive Officer or their delegate. The panel will meet with the student and make a determination accordingly.
(c) Prior to convening the panel to hear the internal appeal, the Administration Manager must brief all panel members on the case.
(d) Once the internal appeal date and time have been set, the Administration Manager will advise the student of the appointment in writing.
(e) During the appeal, the student will have the opportunity to formally present their case at no cost. A student may be accompanied and assisted by a support person during the deliberation. AISI representatives may also be assisted by a support person during appeals meetings.
(f) At the completion of the internal appeal, the Administration Manager will communicate the outcome to the Chief Executive Officer, where the Chief Executive Officer is not part of the panel, and to the student within 2 business days. A written statement will be provided to the complainant outlining the outcome of the internal appeal and the reasons for the decision within 10 days. If the appeal is not in favour of the student, they will also be advised in writing by the Administration Manager that they have access to an external appeals process which must be initiated within 10 days. AISI will proceed with its original intention if the student does not request further appeal within 10 days of notification.
(g) Requests for an external appeal can only be initiated by the student by contacting the Overseas Students Ombudsman within 10 working days of the written notice of outcome from the internal appeals process.
(h) AISI will forward any relevant documentation to Ombudsman as requested by the Ombudsman.
(i) If the external appeal results in a decision that supports the student, AISI will immediately implement the decision or preventive actions required and advise the student of the outcome. If the external appeal supports AISI, the original intention will be implemented despite any further review.
(j) The appeals process will be at no cost to the student.
(k) Students must lodge an appeal to the Ombudsman by email to, by mail to GPO Box 442, Canberra, ACT 2601 or by phone to 1300 362 072.
The Ombudsman’s office will notify the student and the Institute of the outcome.
(l) Students may also seek legal redress through the usual court processes if they feel unsatisfied beyond the first external appeal. Costs of any legal redress by students are to be covered by the student.
(m) If the internal or any external complaint handling or appeal process results in a decision that supports the student, AISI will immediately implement any decision and/or corrective and preventative action.